Homemade Ranch Mix I love ranch! Seriously, I love it so much its embarrassing ,.. for my family. Its a host for all things savory and not just veggies, that’s…
Canning Homemade Lemonade
Mmm.. Homemade Lemonade! I have to admit, one of my mommy pet peeves is juice. Once a child inevitable gets a taste of commercially processed juice at a birthday party…
Smoked Chocolate Salted Truffles
Every year for Valentine’s Day I make my husband the same meal. Fillet Oscar with hollandaise, avocado and lime marinated shrimp, wedge salad with homemade blue cheese and chocolate truffles….
You either get it or you don’t!
Let’s be honest here for a minute, shall we? This organic living, whole foods, fermentation, chemical free, homemade, free range, grass-fed, grow it yourself, do it your self movement is…
Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta with Huckleberry Preserves
Its not easy getting up at the crack of dawn every single day to milk a cow. Nor is it exceptionally fun to be milking in the heat of summer…
Homemade Twinkies
Let me first just say that this recipe is not my typical “whole foods” type recipe. Twinkies of any sorts are not a everyday food. These are not healthy nor…
Homemade Mozzarella and Ricotta Cheese
Before I took on my big adventure with Jersey cows, I started with two Nubian dairy goats. The Nubian goats is one of the highest producers of butterfat at 4.61%.
Bookshelf to Chicken Brooder
The chickens are hatching and it’s time to prepare their brooder. Most years I put the chickens in a 50 gallon galvanized horse trough But this year I wanted something…
Homemade Raw Butter & Cultured Buttermilk
The act of making homemade, naturally cultured butter today is a lost art. When I tell people that I make my own butter, they scrunch up there face and say…
Homemade Christmas* A Simple Hostess gift
My husband and I are off to an ugly sweater party tomorrow. Which seems to be the theme of choice for Christmas parties the last couple years. This is fine because…