ANIMAL HUSBANDRY On our farm we raise only the meat we want in our bodies. Pastured, free to roam and without chemicals in their body. We raise several different species on the farm, including, grassfed beef, pastured lamb, free range chicken and turkeys and milk fed pastured pork. All of our animals are spoiled with love and attention. Our teams mission is to keep these critters happy, safe and raised as natural as possible. Healing … Read On...
Let us help you be the direct link to your food supply chain
We will bring you local, pasture raised meats, from our family farm to your family table.

Like many, I have dreamed about having a self sufficient homestead for most of my adult life. Not only for the obvious but to get back to livin a lifestyle the way I believe God intends us to live; knowing how to grow and harvest our own food; knowing how to “hunt and gather” but mostly knowing how and where our food comes from, using our own two hands (and maybe a few tractors). ABOUT THE FARMSTEAD Farming runs deep in our family. … READ ON..
Blog Posts

Canning Peaches in Honey
Canning Peaches In Honey Home canned peaches are my family’s absolute favorite canned treat. My kids will usually go through 1 to 2 jars per week, so I try to…

Importance of A2 A2 Milk
Importance of A2 Milk Lets talk the difference between A1 and A2 milk. In the beginning of my health journey, I knew we needed to go back to farm fresh…

Benefits of Milk Kefir
Benefits of Milk Kefir While there may be debate on how you pronounce the word Kefir, there is certainly no debate on the nutritional health benefits.Milk Kefir is a cultured-fermented,…

Garlic Dill Pickles Canning Recipe
Canning Garlic Dill Pickles Dill Pickles are a staple in our home! We can NOT live without them. *This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may make a small commission…

Farm Style Coleslaw
Farm Style Coleslaw There is something romantic about a bowl of freshly shredded goods from the garden. Maybe it’s the vibrant colors or the intense garden smell, either way this…