On our farm we raise only the meat we want in our bodies. Pastured, free to roam and without chemicals in their body. We raise several different species on the farm, including, grassfed beef, pastured lamb, free range chicken and turkeys and milk fed pastured pork. All of our animals are spoiled with love and attention. Our teams mission is to keep these critters happy, safe and raised as natural as possible.
Healing The Body
After being diagnosed with a autoimmune disease several years ago, I saw a need to change the way we think about diseases in today’s modern world. Bringing our family back to the land we grew up on (literally), together, my husband and I are worked our way to a self sufficient life. Raising 4 kiddos, dairy cows, beef cows, sheep, chickens and heritage breed pigs. We have a huge garden and put most of what we grow,sharing the rest with family, friends and customers. We grow our own meat, eggs and raise our own produce. Canning, dehydrating and preserving foods the same way our grandparents did.
Our family farm sells certified A2A2 raw milk, grassfed beef, pastured pork, lamb and free range poultry and organic fleece. We offer both whole animal (locker) or meat by the cut. We have 5 easy drop locations that we can meet you weekly, in both Spokane and CDA.
The Farmstead Blog
Several years ago I began blogging and teaching about our farm. Join us on our journey and follow along on INSTAGRAM.
From Scratch living.. You either get it or you don’t!
“The first supermarket supposedly appeared on the American landscape in 1946. That is not very long ago. Until then, where was all the food? Dear folks, the food was in homes, gardens, local fields, and forests. It was near kitchens, near tables, near bedsides. It was in the pantry, the cellar, the backyard.”
― Joel Salatin,Rawsomedairy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Hi Katie! Lovin your blogs. They are inspirational and refreshing.
Hi Katie! Thank you for sharing story on your blog. My husband was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (MS) two years ago and it is so cool to see someone who is already doing what we are working towards doing! Living a healthier and more self-sufficient life. We know it isn’t easy and an autoimmune disease certainly doesn’t make it any easier. Thanks for being an inspiration to us. 🙂
I wanted to sign up for your newsletter but it keeps saying “opps something went wrong, try again later” Could you help me?
Rae, Thank you for the heads up! I needed to update a few things. I have added you to my newsletter, you should have a pending email.
Wow 10k acres! Incredible how do you even come close to affording 10k acres. We urban farm – keep milk goats, meat chickens, laying hens, organic garden, feeding 6 of us while still trying to have some yard for ourselves. I would love to have a few acres even. I have no idea how people can even afford that. land is so expensive! I just can’t even comprehend someone having 10k acres. I am green with envy!
Hey Katie!
I’m so happy that I stumbled across your website. I write a blog and would love to have you write a guest post for me. I know you must be crazybusy, but if you’re interested, please shoot me an email. Thanks much!
Amy recently posted…Collards, the hot “new” superveg, and a greens recipe that you will crave!
Your story is inspirational. 🙂 Good luck for your future.
Thank You!
Truly enjoy your blog. My husband & I just started homesteading & love every moment. We’ve done this through trial & error. Now that I’ve found your blog, I can learn from your mistakes & pray that I don’t make the same ones. Looking forward to upcoming newsletters.